Feeding and milestone
How old is your child able to sit unsupported and start BLW? My twins 9 month plus old still need support to sit and havent start BLW. Eat puree also abit.

My girl sit unsupported at around 8mo, but I think can’t sit for very long. Babies at that age don’t eat a lot of solid food. Milk is their main source of nutrients and solid food is just to taste, learn to chew/swallow & test allergy only. However, my girl ifc replace 2 of her milk feed with solid food (lunch & tea break) at 9mo and she eat very well. Now shes 13mo, and she’s a foodie
Read moreMy son has started sitting unsupported at 5 months but have to take care at times, he falls down on his face/back.
5month supported but did BLW, I made sure she is well supported but ofcourse not wobbly
Around 6 - 7 months old.