Vaginal stitches
How long does your stitches heal after birth mommies? #1stimemom

About 3-4 weeks. But even after it heals, it still feels a little weird and uncomfortable. I learnt from my Gynae after that if you do exclusive breastfeeding, your body will go into a menopausal state, meaning your vagina will become really dry, and hence making your movements and the feeling down there a little strange.
Read more3 weeks, spray antiseptic lotion after every toilet trip and using water to wash or dap lightly w toilet paper after pee/poo. Try not to open your legs too big also.
mine took abt 2 weeks plus ,it was done by trainee and im her 1st patient without senior beside her, luckily all went smoothly
Thanks for asking this qn , i wanna know too. Now in my 1 week after delivery. The stitches pain is really unbearable 😞
It took me a 2 to 4 months to fully recover from the stitches cause mine was done by a trainee doctor😓
I will always inform the nurses and senior doctor first righ when i go in to the delivery suite to not have a trainee doctor for me.
Mine took about a month cause I had an episiotomy. Make sure to keep area clean and dry.
2 weeks. Always make sure to dry clean that area to avoid having infection.
my #1 is 2 weeks. my #2 is abt 6 weeks pp.
1 month to fully heal
Almost a month .. =)
@dianacheong Mommy of 2 boys