Feeling sleepy at work 😴

How do you keep yourself awake at work when you feel sleepy all the time during first trimester? #firstbaby #pregnancy #1stimemom #advicepls

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ya! i have never been so sleepy and fatigue until i doze off while working in front of my laptop while working from home. when im still not pregnant, i could only doze off in the day when i have burnt midnight oil for 2 nights.. not even fatigue like current stage.. so my team lead and manager ate very understanding. they told me to take naps if i need to...

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Omg! I thought I’m the only one! Since I WFH now, I’ll steal 30 min naps sometimes. But can’t do it all the time also bleargh. Oh and when it’s night time for bed, I can’t sleep. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Super Mum

Same issue here, for my last pregnancy I was so desperate last time that I went to the toilet and took short naps there lol 😅. Now luckily I can still wfh so I just take 30 min nap when I cannot take it. It's really tough but it will be over soon! Hang in there

Work in office still manageable coz my colleagues keep interacting and will have power nap during lunch but wfh helpless ... I sometimes dozed off while my headset on, but my brain will still be alert managing well so far.

Oh my . . I've been sleeping day to night , night to day with no appetite to eat at all and didn't even get up to do house work . I didn't go to work until I was terminated . Whatever . . As long as I get my beauty sleep .

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4y ago

that's very irresponsible. to get terminated shows you actually went MIA. don't know why are u so proud of it and especially being a mother. shocking.

I listen to the radio/podcast while working and take a nap after lunch.. sometimes a 5-10min nap during teabreak too if I was really sleepy. Keeping yourself busy with work helps too.

😅im working in retail..im in my first trimester too.. i always yawn at work...stand for too long.. what i did was snacking or eat sweets.to keep me awake..but drink more plain water..

i have no idea... i been trying to stay awake all day at work, i much to keep myself awake. its terrible. cant even focus. vit b also does not work.

I tried to walk more to grab water, snacks etc. There are times I really can’t take it and had a quick nap, but I was wfh~

4y ago

nomore wfh :( but i think that helps! thanks 🤭🤭

I now everytime use 30mins of my lunch break to slp . And I have a packet of sour gummies to keep me awake .