How can I prevent my baby from being a picky eater?

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Ah, picky eaters and mommies have a long history :) Although I haven't yet perfected the art of dealing with a picky eater, here's a thing or two I have learned along the way : 1) Show equal enthusiasm for foods that YOU like and those that you hate. Kids do tend to pick on parents' enthusiasm. If you say ice cream with unforeseen zeal and ugh karela, don't be surprised if your little one picks ice cream. 2) If she's already uninterested in certain foods, try to present interesting and attractive recipes. For example, my daughter stopped eating spinach at one point but she loves spinach maggi which is simply a single spinach leaf rolled and presented in a noodle format. 3) Never force them to eat something they don't want to. It will only make them more resitant to the food. 4) Let kids have a few options -- e.g., paneer, broccoli, carrots -- all in the same plate. Any one thing she picks is a win-win situation for you! There's definitely more but for starters, these should suffice :)

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