How do I potty train my 20 months toddler? Whenever I place her on the potty, she'll start screaming and wailing & grabbing my neck tightly. :(

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I personally feel give her some time. It seems she is afraid to sit on the potty seat. We started potty training at the age of 2. We got few baby books with pictures to read during that n once it's done we always clapped for her. After few months I always woke her up at night to make sure she pee n not to wet the bed.

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I didn't train my three kids ... for my thinking up to them . they are age 8,6 n 5 ... my girl age 8 stop diaper at 4 even bed time by herself but my two son still wearing diaper to sleep ... I dun find it a must to train them .... they will know when they are ready no point forcing them .... I just wan them to happy

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Shes not ready i guess. My son also could sit at the potty for ages and nothing happen when hes nearly 2. Only now when hes 3 months shy of 3 years old then he starts really doing business in the potty and toilet bowl. He pees in his pants a few times and now will let us knows when he wants to go toilet

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kids will be ready when they are. no point rushing.. my son 3 yo succcess in not wearing diapers day and night.. only wear when poo.. but recently.. he passed his poo too. take it slow.. finally he id diapers free. n and i can save money. lol

Seems like she is afraid of the potty. Maybe try changing the potty . For my Ger, I let her watch YouTube videos on potty training also. If she has an older sibling or cousin maybe let them sit on the potty to show her that it's not scary.

8y ago

Thanks mummy! Would try showing her YouTube videos as she love watching videos :)

20mths sounds quite early. Though I personally know a kid who was trained at 17mths old. My own child only wanted to try at 35 mths and still training now. I used the "ladder" kind attached to the toilet bowl. She seems to like it.

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I think the toddler is not ready yet. try read more books on potty . and demo to her how u do it. so she can slowly understand it is not that frightening after all.

She simply no ready. Give her sometime. Don't force her. You can get her books on potty training, read to her. One day, you will be surprise when she ask for potty.


My 29 months boy refuse too. No choice, just got to wait till they are ready. I place the potty at a place where he can see, hopefully one day he will use it.