How does babyled weaning differ from regular weaning?

Baby-led weaning hands the control of weaning process to the baby. in some families, Baby even decides when weaning when the baby simply grabs family food from the table. baby is simply offered food at mealtimes and is allowed to decide whether to eat, how much to eat, and when to stop. baby feeds himself. this is in start contrast to traditional models where adults control the pace and quantity of intake and may impose expectations of how much baby "should" be eating
Read moreThe main difference between baby-led and spoon-fed weaning is the order in which babies pick up their feeding skills. "Traditional" spoon-led weaning will allow babies to first learn to spoon feed (with food that are smooth mashed or pureed) and chew later. With baby-led weaning, babies skip the smooth food phase and learn to manage lumps and chew right from the beginning.
Read moreBaby led weaning is about introducing solids to your baby using “table foods” rather than purees is what Baby led Weaning is all about. Read more here:
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