4 Replies

I'd usually sun the mattresses --apparently this "kills" germs and other weird things that lives in the mattress. After sunning it for a day, I would spray a generous whiff of Febreze to rid of any smells. You can also use a steam vacuum and run it across the mattress.

For condo-dwellers like me, we just hire professional cleaners for the job since there's no area to sun or air out the mattress. They shampoo and vacuum the mattress, as well as the sofa, fabric chairs, and curtains. We go with SWEEP INSPIRATIONS

We use vacuum cleaner every other week and then sun dry it at least once a month. I'm also interested in learning other ways to clean the mattress because of my allergies. I easily get irritated even if we regularly clean our bed.

We bring it to laundry shop near our place, they offer mattress cleaning also. Ours is the light type of Uratex kig size, it's foldable.

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