painful wrist
Any home remedy to relieve pain on wrist? It's getting more difficult to carry baby.

Sounds like De Quervain's syndrome. Get the guard that stops the thumb from moving too much, not the wrist guard. It is the thumb. If it gets to the point of unbearable pain, you need to see a doc and take some painkillers. I had a steroid jab on my right when I had my daughter. When i had my son, i had the syndrome on my left but relied on the splint (guard) and instead of carrying my son using my thumb and index finger, when he was older I "hook" him under his armpit. The pain slowly went off after many months. It will get better:-)
Read moreWhat is causing the painful wrist? If it is due to carrying baby, maybe change how you position your wrists when you carry? Wrist guards might help - the pharmacies like guardian sell them, as do sports shops like decathlon. I developed shoulder problems with my second and used various slings (or sarongs) to help relieve the weight on my shoulders and arms while carrying the baby.
Read morePut an ice pack on it to help reduce inflammation. It's a condition many mother's have. Try minimise using your wrist, it's quite impossible i know...mine went away only after two months or so. I took ibuprofen and used ketoprofen patch - consult your doctor though. I ran out of the ketoprofen patch dr gave ao i just bought the same one from guardian/Watson
Read moreI think it's best if your wrist is checked by an orthopaedic doctor. It is to prevent minor issues from turning into major ones. For my family, we have a reliable orthopaedic doctor who regularly checks us for possible joint issues or whenever we have concerns. Btw, he is Dr. Alan Cheung if anyone here's interested in having an orthopaedic doctor.
Read moreI remembered my wrist hurting during & after my 1st confinement. During 2nd confinement, I made sure to only clean my hands with wet wipes instead of with running tap water (after using the toilet), and it has healed! 🤔
It’s from overuse.. so see if you can use other techniques to pick baby up? A wrist guard may also help. Painkillers may help temporarily
I tried many ways but didn't work well. Acupuncture was the one that heal it
Try using baby carrier as that will help take the load off from your wrist
same here.. i bought wrist guard from pharmacy.. it really helps
I went for acupuncture coz plasters etc didn't help