Induce labour

Hii, just wanted to see if any mummies have went through induce labour. If so, how was the experience like?

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If you are considering inducing labor, it's essential to speak with your healthcare provider to understand the potential risks and benefits specific to your situation. Inducing labor can be done for various reasons, such as post-term pregnancy, medical conditions, or fetal health concerns. The experience of induced labor can vary greatly from person to person. Some mothers may find it to be a positive and smooth process, while others may encounter challenges. It's common for induced labor to be more intense and progress differently than natural labor. During induced labor, medical interventions like Pitocin or artificial rupture of membranes may be used to help start contractions. It can lead to stronger and more painful contractions compared to spontaneous labor. Managing discomfort through breathing techniques, movement, and epidurals can help during this time. It's important to stay informed, communicate openly with your healthcare team, and have a supportive birth partner or doula by your side. Remember that every birthing experience is unique, and what matters most is the safe arrival of your little one. If you have any concerns or questions about inducing labor, don't hesitate to reach out to your healthcare provider for guidance and support.

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7mo ago

Induce labor at 38 weeks . They put me on picotin and i was in so much pain but only dilate 2cm but suddenly i dilated super fast and was too kate to get epidural and have to push baby out naturally. Crazy experience

I took quite a while because my cervix was only dilated 2cm and it took like 4 to 5 hours for it to dilate up to 4cm, it was kinda slow for me and the pain was horrible as well despite the laughing gas. Finally took an epidural after 6 hours and it helped a little. But after breaking the water bag the process to 10cm dilated was really quick, under an hour so I gave birth shortly after that. I guess it depends on individual. I didn’t need stitches either, so all good.

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My experience was…. high 95% of the time from all the pain reliefs. I was crazy inhaling the laughing gas the moment first contraction hits and got too high from it (also got a higher dose of epidural) I didn’t feel the epidural needles, labour pain or the after stitching.. Anyways my entire process took 6 hours so I would say alls good for mine.

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Before that I would suggest doing squats and some exercises too. But it depends on different individual. Hehe. I was almost going to induce but my contractions came. But I cldnt dilate fast enough. It took me 36 hours to 9cm . In the end I had to do emergency c cect

take the epidural!!!! mine was thru oxytocin drip if im not wrong, did not get the pill inserted. so my experience wasn't like the rest! but I dilated from 3cm to 10cm in 5 hours! so subjective to each individual!

was induced by inserting the pill. Took awhile to dilate fully. it took me like more than 7 hours. The pain was horrific! Almost took the epidural but baby saves the day. gave birth about 10 minutes.