Induce labour

Hii, just wanted to see if any mummies have went through induce labour. If so, how was the experience like?

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I took quite a while because my cervix was only dilated 2cm and it took like 4 to 5 hours for it to dilate up to 4cm, it was kinda slow for me and the pain was horrible as well despite the laughing gas. Finally took an epidural after 6 hours and it helped a little. But after breaking the water bag the process to 10cm dilated was really quick, under an hour so I gave birth shortly after that. I guess it depends on individual. I didn’t need stitches either, so all good.

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My experience was…. high 95% of the time from all the pain reliefs. I was crazy inhaling the laughing gas the moment first contraction hits and got too high from it (also got a higher dose of epidural) I didn’t feel the epidural needles, labour pain or the after stitching.. Anyways my entire process took 6 hours so I would say alls good for mine.

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Before that I would suggest doing squats and some exercises too. But it depends on different individual. Hehe. I was almost going to induce but my contractions came. But I cldnt dilate fast enough. It took me 36 hours to 9cm . In the end I had to do emergency c cect

take the epidural!!!! mine was thru oxytocin drip if im not wrong, did not get the pill inserted. so my experience wasn't like the rest! but I dilated from 3cm to 10cm in 5 hours! so subjective to each individual!

was induced by inserting the pill. Took awhile to dilate fully. it took me like more than 7 hours. The pain was horrific! Almost took the epidural but baby saves the day. gave birth about 10 minutes.