Hi Mummies. Any idea of baby boy name starts with I?? Hmmm Ivan and Ian is already taken my my family n friends . What wld u say?? Thank u.

I have a colleague whose name is Illiad, which is the name of an epic poem about the Trojan War attributed to the ancient Greek writer, Homer. His parents are retired English professors and thought that the name Illiad is a strong and masculine choice for their son. I like it alot, myself. Irwin is also a name I like, it's of Celtic, Irish origins.
Read moreI like Issac. Special and unique. Not alot of people with the same name. No idea on the meaninf though. I just like it. I chose names to my liking for my kids rather than meaning.
Read moreirfan ishith imran illamaran iraianbu imthiaz illatharayan illachelian illayaraja iman
Read moreIvor, Isaac, Iggy, Irvine, Isaiha, Ike, Ibrahim, Izeckil, Indiana, Immanuel.
Ignatius. I use to have a classmate called ignatius. Very smart guy
Ilias, Immanuel, Ignace, Illan, Imanol, Ixion, Izod, Istvan, Izreal
Isaiah or Isiah (biblical though) Illias or Ilias Immanuel
Ivar like for Vikings, Ian (Yan) in French, Igor, Ivan
Lloyd,Louis,Lucas,Lachlan(pronounced as 'roc-Lan')
I love Ilham - which is Arabic for inspiration.