HELP! I am having an internal struggle between traditional and montessori schools. My LO will turn 3 in late October. Right now he goes to ''school'' one day a week for three hours. His teachers are sweet, his faces light up when they see my boy, they read stories and sing and my boy enters with glee. It is like an extension of a mother's love! Many traditional preschools tend to have teachers like these, but lack a bit of structure. When I visit Montessori schools, I love that the kids seem so busy and capable. I love that manners and self disciple are taught. But everyone--kids and teachers-- seem so serious. Of course, I've only seen parts of the day, but I feel little kids should have a certain amount of ''joy'' in their day. Do you have any thoughts--pros/cons---from personal experiecne you'd like to share? Thanks so much! confused

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