6 Replies

Hi i too have the same issue. 1st one no problem with natural conceiving thus ended up having to go with ivf for my 2nd child. We chose sgh because we wanted Dr yu su ling back then as our fertility dr but she has since retired a few months ago. We were very lucky to succeed on our 1st try.

Ahhhh… thank you! Im leaning towards SGH. TTC is so frustrating hahah

I went to Prof Sadhana Nadarajah at KKH. she recommended IVF due to my husband and my age. although our 1st IVF failed but she got me to take some medication while waiting for the next IVF cycle.. and I got preg naturally.. going back to her on October to try for #2 ..

hi.. if got willing u will get #2. my first and 2nd gap 7 years apart. like your case, no #1 naturally however we keep trying for no #2 till we give up. in the end, god willing we had our no#2 7 years later. not only that. now we going to have our no5.

hello, you may try de lubna. last time she's from parkway, but she moved to novena medical centre. she's 👍 good! if not can try tcm, which my cousin did, took her 3 yrs to get the 1st baby.

Go to SGH ,care IVF look for Dr.Yong Asst.prof senior head consultant I was conceived via IVF thru CARE


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