Supplements for 1 year

Has anyone given the following supplements for their 1 year old? Sambucol drops (for immunity) Biogaia probiotics (for gut health) DHA drops by Nordic Naturals (for brain development) I’m thinking to start the following supplements when my baby turns 1 year old. The first 2 is in preparation for building immunity for school when baby goes in at 18 months. DHA I heard some good things. Is it ok to start all 3 supplements? Please share your thoughts or other recommendations.

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I use biogaia daily since 3m old, sambucol and immuped on alternate days since 15m after starting immuped and sambucol baby fell sick less. attended infant care since 4m

yes. best to start supplements early before going sch. i am giving avance to my neice and child

I gave Biogaia before 1, then switched to Lactogg + Nordic DHA + immunped when she turned 2.