7 Replies

Super Mum

Hi mama, First up, congratulations! Second, I understand that it can be completely overwhelming to be pregnant for the first time - what do I do, what should I take, do I need to make any changes? I find that arming ourselves with knowledge helps us to make better choices for ourselves. Then again there can be so much information out there to a point you might just get confused all over again. Would you be open to reading a book? If you are, this one is a real easy read and I think it’s available for reservation at the library if you’d like: The Positive Birth Book: A new approach to pregnancy, birth and the early weeks https://www.amazon.sg/dp/1780664303/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5DZYNA6YYRDR3KSMTQ3W The link above is for purchase on Amazon but you can find it on other online bookstores too. It would be great to attend an antenatal class for both you and your partner to understand the changes your body will undergo and how baby is growing too. As for maternity insurance, I’ve heard income does a good one which includes jaundice but there are others like great eastern and prudential. Good to meet with your existing agent to find out more. As for Medisave, not much to do really. Things will fall in place once you start paying for antenatal packages. You can find out more at these websites: https://www.babybonus.msf.gov.sg/parent/web/home?_afrLoop=63437726931032835&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D63437726931032835%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3Dvyohqvfl8_4 https://www.babybonus.msf.gov.sg/parentingresources/web/Pregnancy?_afrLoop=63536615278714935&_afrWindowMode=0&_afrWindowId=null#%40%3F_afrWindowId%3Dnull%26_afrLoop%3D63536615278714935%26_afrWindowMode%3D0%26_adf.ctrl-state%3D10uyh0dh05_4 This website is by KKH: https://www.healthxchange.sg/women/pregnancy/pregnancy-week-one-forty-complete-guide-kkh Hope this helps!

Hi Jamielene. This is more than helpful. Thank you.

VIP Member

Since most of your doubts were well answered by jamielene, let me add on a few bit to some of your question. You can get pregnancy vitamin from like Watson or guardian. As for folic acid and duspaston, during your next visit, you can ask him when can you stop. You can continuing eating that 2 first. After depleted before your next appointment, you can get multi vitamins (get one bottle and try first, just in case you can’t take the taste and smell of it).

Dun worry, I’m from kk too. The multivitamin that they give is the obimin and they usually give u when u start your second trimester. First trimester usually only folic ... so dun worry about it. They know what to do

hi hi folic acid is the basic you'll need for 1st Trimester.. 12wk onwards they'll switch you to multi vitamin and skip folic.. i know, there's alot of unknown and i wish there's a handbook on what to expect..!

First trim I only took Folic, Second trim onwards gynae prescribed iron, calcium and fish oil. Don't worry so much, have a healthy diet with fruits and veggies etc.

You can start buying maternity insurance from Week 13 onwards. Good to get your insurance agent to discuss more with you and compare what’s sufficient to get.

u can get off shelf, fish oil n multivitamin.

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