I believe they have additional subsidies for working single mothers. Meanwhile, you can also reach out to the family service centres to know more on how they can help you financially. Some Montessori do not have infant care and they can be quite expensive compared to Sparkletots or My First Skool. Need to quickly register your child to the IFC too (as soon as you get his birth cert) to avoid not having a placement.
as long as u are a working mother u will have subsidy. on top of that u have additional subsidy. but if u are not working now, have no income or in financial difficulties then u can try call up the school u plan to place ur child in, if not seek help from MP
erm. ifc have subsidiary. eg. my first skool and sparkle tot. you can read this https://www.ecda.gov.sg/Pages/Subsidies-and-Financial-Assistance.aspx
seri vira