Muslim baby girl names
Hi! Can give me some suggestions for muslim baby girl names with meaning? :) thanks!

You can YouTube or use Google for the meanings. I did a little bit of research below, I could be wrong but do your research on your own as well to confirm. Khadijah (1st isteri Rasulullah, 1st woman to peluk agama Islām) Aisyah (isteri tercinta Rasulullah) Zainab (1st Puteri Rasulullah) Ruqayyah (2nd Puteri Rasulullah) Ummu Kulthum (3rd Puteri Rasulullah) Fatimah Az-Zahra (4th Puteri Rasulullah) Maryam (Ibu Isa A.S) Asiya (isteri Fir’aun) Balqis (isteri Nabi Sulamain A.S) Siti Sarah (1st Isteri Nabi Ibrahim A.S) Siti Hajar (2nd Isteri Nabi Ibrahim A.S) Legendary women in Islam history: Sumayyah Zinnirah Rabiatul Adawiyah Ainul Mardhiah Hurul Ain Halimatus Sa’adiah (Ibu susu Rasulullah S.A.W) From YouTube/Google: Nauratul Jannah Aisyah Humaira (Humaira: berpipi merah) Sarah Mardhiyah Alya Nadine Alisha Medina Alesya Zahra (Selalu dilindungi الله, Bunga) Hilwana Azzahra Nuha / Husna (nuha: intelligence) Aysha Nazmin Marissa Dania (don’t know what it means, but this is Norman Hakim’s daughter’s name) Maryam Alisha (Ibu Nabi Isa yg dilindungi الله) Jannahtulma’wa (Syurga tempat bagi orang beriman dan beramal soleh) There are many more that you can find, these are just the ones that I have managed to find thus far. Good luck on your search, take care!
Read moreZara. I love that name but not sure with the meaning.
Hana Camila - Perfect Happiness
Any initial letters preferred?
Beautiful name
Naura, flower / light.
Proud Mama Princess