Gb pockit stroller any review?

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Good and compact but not able to recline so if kids need to sleep or nap it would not be comfortable. I using a Yoya (YOYO replica) Compact and able to recline. My 5yo and 2 yo able to sit.
Read moreHi. I have pockit cocolatte stroller that is able to recline coming with backpack or cover. You may check my carousell at Definitely cheapest!
great for travelling overseas. like other mummies pointed out, can't recline much. otherwise it has served us well.
Good & compact :) but no recline . I started using it when my kid turns 1 years old
Zen yoyo stroller. They have many other different brands as well.
I don't like it. It can't be reclined. Looks so uncomfortable.
i prefer those that can be reclined
yes! good and compact!