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FTM. Thinking of going for natural birth, but honestly terrified 😅

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FTM here! I had to induce due to low fluid, entire process took 6 hours. I would rate it painless (immediately after the first contraction hits, I just spam laughing gas) with the help of epidural and laughing gas, couldn’t really feel anything until the epidural went off. Pain lasted for 1 hour + but I managed to sleep it off (pain came around 3-4am so my gynae wasn’t around and they couldn’t give me painkillers as I have allergies to most of it). Definitely had tear for mine as i was given a higher dose of epidural so I couldn’t feel anything or my legs during labour. They say push I just push, idk what’s the strength and all 😂. According to my husband it was almost near my anus but didn’t feel any pain, just felt sore. I initially wanted Csect with GA so I can just sleep and get it done then I thought to myself “would you rather get cut up layers or have one tear, either way the baby has to come out so just do it”. Back then I didn’t know about ecsect if inducing fails so one less worry for me.

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1y ago

Hahaha and for me, because the epi dose was higher, I was crazily vomiting and shaking and feeling very weak right after birth so when they offered to show me baby, I’m like “please take her away and leave me alone”. I gave birth at 6am but only felt alive at 1pm 😂.

Our body is created to give birth naturally,i gave birth my 4th child last year thats 8 years apart from my 3rd child.Felt like first time giving birth,was shock that baby is more than 3.5kg.At 39wks4days,after 2 times of induce,doc breaks my waterbag without informing and still baby is far away,after 18hours with high dose epi n gas,i manage to push hard with the help of the nurses who stayed with me till i gave birth eventhou im about to give up.But i pull myself together to make sure i wont end up for csec.Alhamdulillah i gave birth naturally to my 4th child with the weight of 3.7kg with just a slight tear down there,and after almost 2 weeks,down there heal already.Dont be scared,it will be very memoriable for us mums in the labour roomđŸ«°you can do it mama!!

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FTM here. Just gave birth at the end of December. Elective induction because I told my gynae I wanted 2023 baby and she was already 39wks by then. Dilation itself took about 20h (different people, different outcome). I was on epidural at 1cm mark because my back was breaking (I do not have stomach cramps. Only back pain). When I was 10cm dilated, I took less than 2mins to push baby. Just need to follow gynae’s instructions and don’t rush. Gynae & the nurses will guide you on how to push and hold even if you feel numb. My stitch was only 1cm at most. Didn’t need painkillers after. In fact I was still walking at super speed (according to my family & friends) in hospital. Hope you have a smooth delivery!

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I’m glad mine is natural! I gave birth at 12pm and was already walking to the toilet by 6pm and I had an episiotomy. C-section can be painful because it’s basically a surgery on your abdomen. Recovery from a natural birth was so easy for me! I suggest don’t listen to real birth stories if you’re absolutely terrified. Bring your mind to a positive and peaceful state. I was very determined to do natural birth so any scary birth stories did not bother me. I was indeed scared of painful contractions, unfortunately I experienced it but epidural was a saviour! Look up videos of breathing techniques during labour. It’s the only thing you can do until you get pain relief.

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FTM, gave birth in Sept. had to be induced at 36w+2d because water bag leaked. After 12 hours of labour, but only 2cm dilated, decided to go for epi to “relax” in nurse’s words. was at 10cm in about an hour after epi was given. Nurses and doc will guide you to push even if you can’t find your lower body. Gave birth at 12plus am. Had minimal tear, able to walk around at 7am once epi effect wears off. Only thing to note is you’ll probably throw up if you do use laughing gas, at least I and a couple of my other friends did.

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FTM here and just gave birth naturally without epidural about a month plus ago. it was a traumatising experience but if i could summarise the entire process, i’d say it’s like taking the biggest effing poop of your life. go ahead for natural birth since you’re already favouring that option. our bodies are built for this!

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FTM here, Just gave birth 3 month ago, natural birth without epidural, just use laughing gas. How I tahan is by husband support is important and also I kept the mindset "If the olden time people can do it without any machine or injection and the baby is healthy why can't I" everytime whenever Im so near to take epidural

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FTM mum here and due in april. initially i was very determined to have c sect. but i heard abt the recovery and in worst cases, 6 months of pain at the abdomen. OMG! But im not willing to spend hours and hours in labour. headache

1y ago

It seems like c-sect recovery takes longer, but the process (actual birth) is less of a nightmare?

How i wish i have the chance to go thru natural birth . Baby still high up and not dilated at 40 weeks - induced 2-3 times all failed - after 47 hours of labor and contractions - end up in e-csection.

1y ago

47 hours of labor đŸ˜±

i went through natural birth and it is all good and painless (with the help of epi that is). just remember, when u feel the pain, ask for epidural immediately. 😉