Frenotomy to relieve tongue-tie for an infant. Anyone has any experience? Read about a lot of hopeful stories online, esp. how it helps proper latching during breastfeeding but still cautious of course

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A colleague at work mentioned that her daughter's lingual frenectomy was a success. Her daughter is 3 now and there are no side effects to it. According to her, the procedure did not take long at all. Baby will be swaddled and the tongue is gently lifted up using fingers or a special instrument, afterwhich the frenulum (the thin skin under the tongue) is then quickly snipped with sterile scissors. The tongue is then again gently lifted to ensure the frenulum has been completely clipped. Whole procedure takes less than 15 seconds and no anesthesia is needed. Baby can breastfeed immediately after the procedure. Think she had it done at one of the hospitals but you can approach the dentist for more information too.

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