Would you freeze your eggs?
Would you freeze your eggs?
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Yes, for safe-keeping
No, I don't need to
Maybe (Tell us in the comments below)

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VIP Member

I do know of people doing it cause they want baby and when they are still young.

VIP Member

No. Sebab saya suri rumah. Direct feeding dengan anak. Maybe klu as worker, yes

For a while I was thinking "Why do I want to freeze chicken eggs?" 🤔 😂

5y ago

Hahahah. Same!!

If I know I want to have a child but not anytime soon, I would.


personal preference let nature take its course

Super Mum

We can't freeze our eggs in Singapore right?

No option in Sg unless got medical grounds.


maybe if I'll gain something from it.

If I need to I will consider

Super Mum

Depends on ur age also