Anyone with the same dilemma?
You just found out you're pregnant, you don't wish to share with friends till things are stable after the first trimester, but at the same time you wish you can get their recommendations on their gynae instead of relying on strangers' recommendations on online forums? So happy but so lost right now. #1stimemom #advicepls

Yes I had the same thoughts too. But I waited till my first trimester completion before announcing to my friends. I did a lot of online searching but relayed more on the FB groups where I know people personally. I didn't ask for recommendations myself but searched the older posts. Then made a list of gynec n the hospital n why that gynec was recommended. I also considered the hospital accessibility. Yes I had too much free time on hand 😁
Read moreI ask only close friends who have experienced in pregnancy before. And I do disclose to them that I m pregnant. Also, did inform them not to share the news yet until I success pregnant 3 months. For first time, you cannot 100% don't say until you pregnant for 3 months. Coz that is too much details that you don't know, if things happen you wouldn't know how to react.
Read moreYou could say that it’s for your own planning in the future and casually ask them for recommendations. I did just that with one of my colleagues about baby stuff, and he didn’t even guessed that I was already pregnant at that time 😬
I immediately told few of my friends when I got that faint line bec some of them are 1. experienced mum 2. doctor 3. close friend and I even told my sisters (haha) but not my dad......not yet
Read moresame!! as much as I wanna ask but my gfs wil confirm suspect big time 😅 so I'm waiting after first trimester 💪
Aww yay nice to know someone in the same situation! And congrats to you!! In this case you won't be engaging a gynae through friends' recommendations, then how do you go about your search? Have you successfully found a gynae yet? I'm still in the process of noting down recommendations from online forums.
you can check with close friends and reveal to them. that's what I did too only told 3 good friend of mine
Yes I have this issue too.. so i talk to close friends or friend that is already a mummy
I'll talk to my closest closest friends who I know I can absolutely trust