Do you force your kids to eat their veggies?
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Yes, it's important for their diet
No, I can find healthy alternatives

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How to force seriously? I conceal and try to include veg into their food What they don’t see they don’t know And they are declaring war on all veggies!

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I try to gently encourage them. Okay, who am I kidding... I force them to eat vegetables by making dishes that look and taste amazing 😂

Not force but I will encourage but making it more attractive for them and also give them choices to what they want to eat:)

My kid don’t even like vegetables at all. She will say vegetables is healthy I ask her to eat she say no don’t want


Don’t want to force eating of vegetables as this only backfires and causes trauma

Try my best with different tricks and strategies. Not always successful though 😩

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Must be force to eat so it becomes a habit and they will like it by themselves

I don't believe in forcing..So have to try ways to get them to eat willingly

It is to give them a proper balnced diet. Espeially leafy veggies, tomatoes.

Not force but we always put it on their plates so they get used to it