How comfortable are you with flying alone with your baby?
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Not sure if I'm up to it
It can be stressful, but I can manage
Not comfortable
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If really not a choice then need to do else would always prefer my partner with me when travelling with baby
Tried it. Was difficult at first but once you’re used to, doesnt matter if alone or with help.
honestly, it is a bit overwhelming but i believe i can do it with sufficient preparation :)
I think ,I can with one of them, tarvelling with 2 will be a handful
I don’t know if I can handle the stress for 3.5 hours+
I always worry about the unpredictable things that they can do
Im just worried when they start to get uneasy and cry loudly
It will be better with my spouse but I think I can manage
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With a positive mindset, there is nothing one can't do
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I'm always anxious everytime fly with my baby
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