Can preggy still do housework? Eg. Vacuum and Mopping?

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Congrats! 29 weeks here and I can still scrub toilets. I just make sure that the house and toilets are well ventilated, and I use biodegradable, non-toxic, skin friendly soaps when cleaning toilets. I take my time, wear rubber gloves, go on all fours if needed so I don’t slip or fall down, take regular breaks to rest and hydrate myself AND listen to my body. I even cleaned the ceiling fan but I make sure my husband was WFH and supporting the ladder when I climbed up to clean 😅 I still vacuum the floors but my husband helps with the mopping because it requires moving of some furniture. I also iron clothes, but I invest in good quality ironing board to make sure it’s sturdy and doesn’t topple over. Pregnancy is not a disability! My gynae recommends that I continue with my pre-pregnancy routines - plus the extra exercise is also good for mummy 🤭 What’s important is that you listen to your body, don’t push limits, take regular breaks and keep yourself hydrated. Pace yourself. If you need more time to complete a chore, take the extra time or divide it over a few days! If you’re not feeling up to it, don’t do it. Or speak to your SO to see how he can step up and take on more responsibilities during your pregnancy 😊

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