Pcf Infant care
First time mom here! I am intending to place my child at the infant care when the maternity leaves end. With the WFH arrangement, I would like to know the followings : 1) any minimum attendance required? 2) any standard time to send in the child? 3) do you bath the baby before sending to the infant care? Any pros and cons to share?

1) If you're a working mom, u'll just need to send ur baby for at least 1 day in a month to be qualified for the working mom subsidy for tt month. But of course, who wld just send their kid for just a day, unless u're gg overseas for a long period or baby's sick. 2) This may depend on the centre. My boy's teachers advised us to send him before 9am as activities typically start aft tt. 3) Yes I do because I feel this is the parent's responsibility. And for me, i only started sending my baby aft 6 months, and it has been his routine to bathe before 9am so it's not a problem for us. I know some parents don't as they don't want to wake baby up and bathe them so early. I guess, the minimum is to at least change his/her diapers. One thing tt u shld be prepared for is that baby may likely get sick often esp at the start. My boy was down with HFMD just 2 months aft. For the first 3 months, he was always having flu. It only got slightly better aft his flu shot.
Read more1. yes due to subsidy 2. for me I send standard so they dun miss the activity or outdoor. I work on, so he go before 8.30am 3. no bath in the morning too rush for me as I have to send eldest to mk. second one sch will bath him between 9.30 to 10.45am daily depend on his nap