Is it true that first borns usually bake longer in mummy’s tummy?
First borns usually stay inside mummy’s belly for 40-41 weeks? And subsequent babies tend to come out earlier? Worried as my EDD for first baby getting earlier and earlier.

Hey there mama to be! Firstly, congratulations! There’s this article I came across and it’s really good reading. Thought you might find it an interesting read relative to your question. Take care and stay strong!
Read moreNot true mommy. My first born gave birth 37w+. Now my third pregnancy, 41w2d baby still kicking inside😂
Not true. I gave birth at exactly 37 wks and my sebsequent babies also came out between 36-37 wks exactly.
First born 41w5d.. Second dont know yet.. Now 40w..hopefully coming as soon as possible 😂
my firstborn was overdue my edd so was induced 2 days later when i was 40wk+2! 1st born is out at 38 weeks, second one at 40 weeks. both natural
nope. #1, #2 & #3 past due date. #4 on due date and #5 also past due date.
im 42weeks plis ..,my 4th child still hvnt gv birth
nope first one is 39 weeks. second one then 40 weeks plus😅
my children were on EDD through natural delivery
Mother of 2 active junior