Gestational diabetes

Hello fellow mums. I'm currently 27 weeks. Just did my glucose test about 3 weeks ago and scored 10.2. Glucose test should be 10 to pass the test. This is making me very worried after I found out. And also very worried for my baby and I. How can I reduce or help this situation? I'm craving for alot of chocolate too since my morning sickness got better.

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You can go for wholemeal, brown rice, healthier options. Cut down on carbs but increase protein. If you want chocolate, find sugar free chocolate or plain dark chocolate. NTUC has a few sugar free chocolate under the brand belgian and sugarless. You can try finding that. Take non-sugared drinks or use sweeteners. You can also consider joining the fb group singapore gestational diabetes support group. All the mummies have GD before or now and they share a lot of tips to manage GD.

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