Labour signs
Hi fellow mummies. What are some signs you experience when you’re very close to labour?

This is from my experience. 1. Bloody show - some mucus discharge on your underwear / pantyliner. Can be pinkish, reddish, brownish. What was usually a clean pantyliner will have some discharge colouration on it. 2. Menses-like cramps starting off mild. More intense pain nothing like menses cramps as the hour goes by. When it happens, you just freeze and will try to endure the cramping sensation. It’s not at your abdomen, it starts higher up so like your whole middle-section stomach will contract. Starts off every hour for few mins then it becomes more frequent. The 5-1-1 Rule: The contractions come every 5 minutes, lasting 1 minute each, for at least 1 hour. I timed my contractions using Contraction Timer App. 3. My baby didn’t drop so I don’t know how it feels like to have pelvic pain. So you might feel this in the weeks or days towards labour. Especially the last few hours or mins. I think you’ll have difficulties walking when it happens cause your baby is already engaged and from 1cm dilation to 10cm can happen very slowly or, very quickly. Mine took more than 12hrs from 3cm to 10cm yet baby is still not engaged so no choice, emergency c-sect. 4. Water gushing out of you all of a sudden - nothing like pee at all. Won’t feel the urge to pee too. It’s just a sudden gush of water. Which means that’s your water bag bursting. Labour can happen anytime soon. Good luck!
Read moreNothing like menses cramp for me. I had brown discharge a week before. Severe lower back ache (as if your tailbone gonna break). Initial i was in pain till i fell aslp. But the next day i couldnt. But i could still pace up n down in my room. Walking becomes a little difficult coz painful at times..
Read moreonce i am officially 9 months pregnant i starts to feel my back suddenly pain then after that 1 to 2 days later i started to feel like period cramp and thats is a sign of me going into the labour soon
For me it was brownish-red discharge followed by water bag breaking
very close contractions