To go or not to go

Hello fellow mummies, apologize for reaching out again. I have been experiencing bleeding since 2am last night along with contractions. Today, when I visited KKH, I was only 1 cm dilated. They advised me to go back home. However, the contractions have intensified during the night... I am contemplating whether I should return and request a C-section or wait until my expected due date, which is Friday. Sleep seems impossible for me at the moment. The reason they refrained from inducing me today is due to my previous C-section, as they mentioned that induction could potentially rupture the previous scar and lead to internal bleeding... My visit today already cost me $115.. I am concerned that if I return today, they might send me back home again, resulting in another wasted trip and more medical expenses... I am uncertain about the best course of action.. Currently, the bleeding is like a menstrual flow.. Is it common to endure contractions (at a pain level of 7-8) for 2 days? It feels unbearable to me. Since my first child was overdue without any pain, I have never experienced natural contractions before.

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Can call the emergency hotline to enquire? And they also need to check when they can schedule you for c section unless it’s emergency c section