Why are My boobs are engorged before each pumping session, only gets relived after pumping.
Exclusively pumping mum

Hey there! It sounds like you're experiencing engorgement before each pumping session, and it's only getting relieved after pumping. I totally get how uncomfortable and frustrating that can be. I've been there myself, and I know how important it is to find some relief. One thing you can try is to make sure you're pumping frequently enough. Engorgement can occur when there's a long gap between pumping sessions, so try to stick to a regular schedule. Also, make sure you're fully emptying your breasts during each pumping session to help prevent engorgement. You might also want to consider using a warm compress or taking a warm shower before pumping to help stimulate milk flow and make it easier for the milk to let down. Some moms also find relief by gently massaging their breasts while pumping to help fully empty them. If you're still struggling with engorgement, it might be helpful to reach out to a lactation consultant or your healthcare provider for personalized support and advice. Hang in there, mama! You're doing an amazing job, and I hope these tips help bring you some relief. https://invl.io/cll6she
Read moreHere's why you feel engorged, pump and only felt relieved after that. Hope you have a schedule session for pumping. You can either do one side pumping and one side latching or you can latch and pump afterwards. However do not empty your boobs otherwise production of milk will be more and your schedule for pumping will be more. Engorged also means your boobs full of milk and needs to be clear too. It is "telling you", it is time to latch your baby or pump.
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