Echogenic foci + ARSA

Hi everyone, I just went for Ultrasound last Tuesday and the DR found out that my baby has these 2 symptoms. So, after discussion, we decided to go for blood test and waiting for result to know if my baby has Down Syndrome. By the way all the other Ultrasound results came out to be fine but only these 2 was highlighted. The Dr also said that it might be my age. Im 33 this yr… anyone experienced the same issue before? I cant sleep well for now..😔

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hello . is your baby is it going now? bcs I m having the same situation my baby is diagnosed arsa on 21st week scan and in doubt about what to nipt is clean and there s no indication other than ARSA... what s your thought . I am so desperate and looking for info online still..

3y ago

Hi mama, I am currently 20 weeks and sonographer detected isolated ARSA in my baby as well. We’re still deciding if we should take harmony or amniocentesis. My FTS results were low risk (1/10,000 ), now adjusted risk is (1/2700 ). May i know if you took any further tests like harmony / amniocentesis?