Waiting time at KKH
Hi everyone! I went to NUH today for an appointment at 1045M and had to wait for 2 hours for the scan. Can anyone share the waiting time for kkh under subsidised route?

Yes NUH waiting time is long. Previously I had at NUH. If this happened, approach the nurse of the room assigned and let them know that you have waited longer than your appt time thus this is unfair. Furthermore the check/consultation will be less than 20 to 30 mins. KKH you have to be on time. I had waited once long but so far rest of the other appt was never had to wait that long. This is based on my experience for first child at NUH and second child at KKH.
Read moreAnyone took FTS test result high risk and then NIPT test but baby turn out ok? kkh called me trisomy 1:32. high risk. I cried whole day. Im 33,this is my first pregnancy. Now took NIPT test. 2 week wait is killing me inside😥. The fts result causing so much anxiety and worry.
at NUH I didnt have to wait that long for mine so far. you have to be early /on time for the appt. if you are late then must wait longer, judging from my sis's experience last time when i accompanied her
Waiting time at KKH is not very long as long as you are on time.