HL and GPML entitlement

Hi Everyone, May I know for KKH Private, when will the DR start giving HL? Seeing this female DR 2nd time and the experience is dam bad! First Appointments at 4pm, seen and left clinic only at 6pm, waited 1.5hrs and the consultation was like less then 10mins!!! Very rush and unfriendly feel! 2nd appointment was worst, 2pm appointment but waited for dam long and the left clinic timing also 6pm+…. Feels like changing DR but was told by the clinic L staffs that even if want to change have to see the “new” DR if she’s willing to take in us as her patient or not. Then now having serious morning sickness and joints pain. But the DR she kept saying “it’s normal symptoms for pregnancy”, told her that during later half of the day condition will worsen up and abdomen will be very pain and as such also resulted during night having difficulties sleeping.. but instead of giving leaves or helps, the DR she say if that’s the case you come in to urgent OG when it happens. This is so ridiculous! Do your face the same respond and issue with KKH Private DR? Am very worried that anything will happen to baby or own body health as it’s first pregnancy and DR is not helping much at all. Worst is now company knowing that am pregnant is forcing me to throw in my resignation letter! But if resign doubt can apply for GPML or GPMB? Please advice on this. As known GPMB is within 12months needs to be working for at least 90days, but I’m not a contract staff. If I really throw in my resignation letter, am I able to still get the benefits? #advicepls #pleasehelp #pregnancy #worryingmom

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kkh private usually waiting time slightly longer especially if the doctor you choose is very recommended.. if they also handle out of pregnancy then wait even longer, is norm for gov hospital private.. gov hospital don't really give MC/HL so generously as compared to outside private hospital as they need to justify alot.. however you can still try to change another doctor while sticking to this doctor first.. for horrible morning sickness, the most they give 1 or 2 kind of medicine, if doesn't help much then really nothing they can do unless you explain to doctor that your job require working front line and you really need MC/HL, see if can get.. for difficulty sleeping, can try put 1 pillow behind your back and sleep on your left, see it helps.. Best not to resign even if they "force" you.. try to get black and white evidence of them trying to get you resign and go to TAFEP or MOM to file complain because you resign means you get no compensation at all (no maternity benefits)..

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3y ago

Not even GPMB?

Perhaps you should consider changing Dr. I am surprised by your experience cause I am under KKH subsidised route, and none of the Drs and Nurses are like this. They are super attentive to all my questions. But I must admit I dont have serious conditions like you do. But definitely also not 10 min consultation though. While the nurses say the Dr may not accept, but it should be a case of no harm trying right? Tell them which Dr you want and ask them to check if the Dr can take. If you want to play safe, shortlist a fee Drs first and see if they can go down the list to find one that’s available? I’m sure you’d want better service considering that you are already going through these. I don’t think you deserve a dismissive Dr when you are paying private rates for specialized and dedicated care.

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3y ago

That’s why am surprised too. As I’m under KKH their private and was thinking of having better experience lesser waiting time. Instead it’s the other way around now. It’s like what I’m paying don’t equivalent to their service….

Hi. Since I you opt for pte route. Can consider private clinic. They for sure more attentive. KK doc are very busy. As for thr GPMB even if you are not contract staff, you will still be able to claim directly from government. As long as child is Singaporean and you have worked for them at least 90days in the 12months prior actual birth.

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3y ago

Hi, which means I have worked for the company for the past 4years as full time employee. Thought my EED is 6months away, even if I were to “resign” I am still able to get the GPMB?

its quite normal that appoinment waiting time are long, also seeing the doc for 5-10mins. sometime even lesser, esp when there is no complication. yes u can try booking another doc, ask for the availability, nurses are more willing to help. i called in to their hotline previously. and why ur company is forcing you to resign?!

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3y ago

My currently now all is good. Just that am facing joints and abdominal pains, especially from the later half of the day. As they say “I can’t work soon, who knows when I might not be able to continue working, etc etc..” it’s like they trying not to provide the ML and benefits

even private with appointments also need to wait, less than 10mins consultation or half way Dr attending to next room also happened, that's normal. no one can force u to resign except yourself. if Company want you to keavr they will have to pay you the notice period and you can proceed to MOM

Do not resign. Let the company terminate you if they want to. For now try as much as you can to gather evidence that they are forcing you to resign. Also on the doctor part, yes suggest you go see private gynae since you alrdy paying private rates..

3y ago

Yes private definitely more ex. But also no guarantee on shorter waiting time during appointments. Some suggestions friends gave me is ask for 1st appt of the day or just before lunch


You can try asking for DR Ee Tat Xin, I took him and everything from day 1 till my give birth was guided by him. I had the worst morning sickness, He even gave me Letter to submit to my wrkplc opting for WFH.

3y ago

Ok. Thanks

I’m under KKH subsidised and everything went well from drs to nurses…subsidised wasnt so bad afterall

Report to mom with evidence that your company is forcing you to resign

3y ago

How to get evidence? Everything is all of verbally communicated now

Don’t resign first then