Is my wife demanding?

Hello everyone. I have a question. My wife is a few weeks pregnant, first trimester. So, being the caring and loveable husband.. I cared for my wife's needs. But I realized, even the smallest things.. she asked me to do it. I don't mind helping her and taking care of her but is she taking advantage of me just because she's on her first trimester? Please help me understand, is this normal for the wife's during first trimester? #firstbaby #advicepls

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Sorry you felt this way. Its a complex situation. Every pregnancy is different, some suffered so much during first trimester. You didnt state what is the smallest things she asked you to help? Try to understand why, is she cramping a lot? I cramp daily during first trimester so simply task like sitting and standing up hurts. Do communicate with her gently about how you feel, you sound like you are a nice husband but pregnancy is only the first step to changes around hse. When baby arrive, more for you to do at home and by then its not help because youre doing it for your child. Its being parent.

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