2 Replies

-KKH subsidised - ward C (very similar to ward B) my third baby so chose C. Save money and was very ok for me. - vaginal normal delivery - with epidural - every visit ranges from $80- $100+ (when theres scan) Upon delivery day, and discharge (second day after delivery, no cash required. All paid via medisave. A few mths later, i received cheque“rebate” (forgot what it’s called and what it’s for) of $500. Ill try to find the receipt for my labour cost.

Nooo worries! I was once looking for infos too but nobody really list it out clearly. Thank you for the well wishes, take care and best of luck! May you and baby be safe always. Safe delivery! ☺️

- TMC - Single ward - Natural induced assisted birth (vacuumed) - With epidural - $2.7K at gynae clinic, $428 at hospital. Total bill all in: $10.7K Hospital - $4K cash, $4K medisave. Gynae’s clinic - $2.7K cash.

Thank you for sharing! 😄

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