7 Replies

It really sound tough for you Mummy.. Maybe try to explain to him e reason why not let baby cry so badly by showing some research online? And forcing baby to drink finish it can be real bad, as baby’s stomach is still developing, digestion might not be so good at 4 mths old it might even causing reflux issue.. I hope your hubby can listen to some logical advices rather than insisting his man ego and causing more unhappiness.. Stay strong Mummy! 💪🏻😊

Super Mum

Hi, it sounds really frustrating. At such a young and vulnerable age, she definitely needs the care and attention from both parents. Do you think its possible to get a middle person (maybe a friend with experience being a father) to help talk him out and enlighten him? >< I do hope you get the support you need from your family or in-laws on this tough journey.

At least he help u carry and feed the baby. Mine doesn’t at all. Always outside with his friends.. your husband is still learning too. Everything is about trial and error.. be patient and he will understand later… beside it was love that u both got LO. Just because he doesn’t follow ur i instructions doesnt mean you shouldn’t love him..

That sounds like a really tough time :( I hope things have gotten better for you since then. I was reading https://sg.theasianparent.com/husband-doesnt-help-with-kids Maybe some suggestions here could help?

i dont think ur husband is wrong at all. stop forcing ur opinion on him and start to compromise

I think this mummy has compromised alr by not. Screaming at her husband who is clearly a man child

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there!

hang in there mummy

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