Do you send your child to enrichment classes/programs/camps during school holidays?
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Yes, it is a great learning opportunity for him/her
No, it is meant for him/her to relax
Depends (tell us why!)
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Why? Do we sent ourselves during our “holidays” How did we feel when our parents did that to us?
VIP Member
Done this when I was a kid I think this helps so much on the physical and also mental learnings
It’s a good chance to focus on the learning they’re passionate about
we go overseas but bring in workbooks to keep their minds sharp
Yes. Only child so good opportunity for her to socialise
no, it's time to take a break so nothing but fun for him
Would make sure she has some time to rest and relax too
VIP Member
We have some other plans in school holidays ..
I pick one or two which I feel is interesting
If my son likes the program, I’ll send him