Edd in 4 days and still no sign of labour
Edd in 4 days and still no signs. Excited yet starting to worry if everything is ok in there. As it's my first, I'm also starting to doubt and ponder if every single thing I'm feeling are labour signs. Sighhh.. Praying for a smooth delivery by EDD without being induced!

Just watch for signs of mild contractions, mucus plug, red spots, waterbag leaking. If pain is unbearable meaning contractions are interval close minutes apart then you proceed to labour. Most pregnancy, first child will take longer. So highly advice to not be long in labour ward. It gets you or baby stress, because you will keep wondering when baby will be out. And if induced, can be much more painful and will take longer to dilate if you are not active labour with contractions.
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I am in exact boat as you babe! My due date is 19th March and there is no sign of labor at all. I also keep getting worried if all is good. Guess I will just be hopeful and trust my doctor who says everything is fine. For now I focus on monitoring baby movements. All the best mummy!
Read moreHehe congratulations!! and it's funny how it's only been a couple of weeks but feels damn long already. i cant keep track of the days anymore. May we have a memorable 4th trimester Hehe.