Does your spouse equally share the responsibility in raising the child?
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Yes, thank god!
No :(

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Too bad my spouse never ever once help out yet he said raising a child, taking care of child and doing all household chores are all along women’s rightful duty to fulfill. He’s a mcp and I didn’t know he won’t change even after having a child. I felt damn regret marrying such a jerk!!!!

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Yes... he has to... child is the responsibility of both the parents.

minsan lng,minsan nkakalimutan nya pokus sa panonood


When she at home yes. But mostly on weekend only

VIP Member

definitely he will.. Is his child afterall

Yes, we support each other always in this

no, di sya ganun kahands-on..

VIP Member

alhamdulillah yes ❤️

iniwan nyako sa ere!!