Different class ward for delivery
Does it make a big difference taking a B2 or C class ward for delivery? Will there be different doctors/interns coming in to check on us in the delivery suite?

If you're talking about the delivery room where you'll be giving birth, each is individual rooms with attached bathroom. I gave birth in Feb and I had the same gynaes (2 of them) and the same nurses around cos I had a high risk pregnancy. Can't remember with my previous births if the drs changed. Maternity ward is where you'll go after you've given birth, to rest and recuperate. B2 is 6 bedded with air ventilation. C ward is 8 bedded, with ventilation too but more open. I will opt for either since no visitors are allowed during this period except one visitor only (your partner or take turns with other 1 visitor). The after birth doctors will be different. While I had the same 2 gynaes came over to my bed to explain my condition to their superiors and the same drs came by over the period of my 9 days stay. And I was under subsidise in NUH.
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