Give birth after 37weeks still need to have steroid jab?
Doctor suggested steroid jab for baby lungs when I’m at 39weeks... I thought it’s more for premature babies? He said it’s optionable but would like to hear others opinions if it’s necessary? Any side effect etc

I was 37 weeks + 3 days when doctors recommended to induce due to lack of space and gave 2 steroid jabs to strengthen my LO's lungs. He is now 18 months and his screams can be heard down the street 😅 We always wondered if the steroids overdid his lungs a bit... 🤣
I had 2 jabs when I was pregnant with my daughter. Dilated too early at 34 weeks so I was given the 2 jabs on both my thighs, 12 hrs apart to strengthen her lungs. She was born healthy & naturally @ 36 weeks. No side effects
I didn't have any steroid for my 1st boy when deliver at 38.5 weeks. but I had 2 jab for my 2nd boy who was born at week 35.5
I had 2 jab during 34 weeks contraction gave birth at 36 weeks. no issue healthy baby with super loud vocal haha
No need as your doctor mentioned "optional" rather than "recommended."
No need what.. unless u or baby have any complications?
Not sure if it’s because of csection...