Doc want to induce at 37 weeks cause baby weighed 2kg. Is it ok?

I had elective C-sect at 37 weeks as my baby was small too and wasn't growing as much. She was only 2.082kg when I delivered her. My waterbag level was low throughout my pregnancy and couldn't provide enough nutrients for her to grow. Gynae would have delivered my baby much earlier at 34weeks but did not as my baby's heartbeat and movements were normal throughout (was admitted to KKH for over few weeks to monitor baby). My daughter is now 15mths old and is well and healthy. She didn't have to go to NICU after I delivered her. My advice is to go with your doctor's advice if it is for the safety of your baby. At the same time, continue to monitor baby's movements. Good luck and hope you have a smooth delivery!
Read moreI don't wanna be rude, but if that's what the ob said then so be it. What's the point of having an OB if your still going to ask the opinions of non medical people here. Doctors know better than us. Also, if your worried, you should have asked your OB why the need to induce.
Im facing the same issue of IUGR baby now..on 37weeks my baby only 2.1kg..after all scanning showed +ve facts, Doc extend another 2weeks for me to see the baby growth..if no more growth i also need to be induce..hoping miracle to be happen n our baby in good health..may Allah ease us..keep strong ya..2kg baby already fully need to worries more even im also sometimes keep thinking bout it 😂..just listen the Doc advice coz they know more..keep pray ya 🤗😇
Read moreSame with me. Baby weight increase 400g in 1 week after consuming 2 hard boiled egg daily..
Hi there I had csec at 35+ weeks as well because baby wasn't growing well. Was also 2kg. When the placenta is not working properly to transfer food it's necessary to take baby out. Doctor actually recommended csect to me since induction might take too long and baby needed to come out ASAP. It's up to you whether to induce or have csec, I can't say which is better. Just don't worry too much, my girl was born 2kg but now has grown really well and a chubby 5.5kg at 3. 5 months. They will catch up quickly!
Read moreI am at 37 weeks currently. Baby is weighing about 2.6kg. doctor was suggesting to induce cos I'm showing signs of ageing placenta and low amniotic fluid. Looking at this I believe she's worried that baby is not receiving enough nutrients hence overall growth is inhibited. Speak to ur doctor, if there's a need to let baby out earlier, do it cos its better for baby to grow outside with all the milk and direct care etc.
Read moreI don’t know why your doctor should induce you at 37 weeks. On my first pregnancy I was even at 40 weeks I have not opt to induce my baby weighed 3.35kg. Now at my 2nd pregnancy, at 37 weeks my baby weighs 3kg but didn’t advice me to be induced. Try to do some gentle yoga or stretching and more opening on your pelvic and hips it might help for natural induction than injecting you to induce.
Read moremay lakad siguro oby ni mommy 😁😁
Hi ladies. I’m a ftm and I am 37 weeks today to be exact. I was told by my doctor that I got to be induced next week when I’m on my 38 weeks. I’m really worried. Is it alright to be induced and was also told baby is in position and baby is slightly small as Mommy is small too. I’m really worried and have got so much of thoughts running in my head. Need some advice please help..
Read moreEat more ice cream, durian or drink plain full cream fresh milk if you have GD. It will help to increase baby weight
Doctor will only recommend early induction if the health of the mummy or baby is at risk. The most common medical reasons for inducing labour early are: 1. When your baby isn’t growing well 2. Your water breaks 3. You had diabetes before you were pregnant or developed gestational diabetes during your pregnancy. 4. You have high blood pressure or preeclampsia.
Read moreI am currently at 37 weeks. Doc is suggesting to induce me next week ie week 38th as currently my baby is weighing at 3.5kg and since I would like to have normal vagina delivery, she will examine me again next week to see if induce is necessary otherwise baby would be “too big” to go through that hole if we were to wait for 2-3 weeks more!
Read morehi mummy so did the doctor induce u??
Yes. The fact that baby is not growing well in the womb that’s why it is not gaining weight and doc wants to induce so that it can have better growth once out and be breastfed or formula fed to gain weight. 37 weeks for a fetus is mature enough to be born. My sister-in-law faced the same issue as u and now the baby is growing well through breastfeeding. :)
Read moreI recalled for my first pregnancy, cervix was dilating slowly and doctor gave medication to help speed up dilation duration. But also important is mother blood pressure and baby heartbeat is good during labour progress so vaginal delivery is still be able to proceed ultimately.