Had some discomfort on the left and right side of the tummy last night, at week 9. Is that normal?

The discomfort feels like stitches when you run after a meal. I also feel like my tummy is bigger but it's only week 9 so that's not possible right?

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I would suggest you check with you Gynea. For my case, I had light spotting previously and my tummy was significantly bigger for 7-9 weeks. I ended up with a miscarriage in early pregnancy. If other signs of pregnancy seem off (e.g my breast were very sore but suddenly I don’t feel the soreness and I don’t feel so hungry like I used to) then it maybe better to go for a check up. If you feel something amiss, no harm for a quick scan. If you are better and the symptoms subsides then maybe it is nothing to worry about.

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