4 Replies

Yes I did. Though I tried reading online that it’s normal, I didn’t want to risk it so I went to KKH O&G and was seen by a gynae from the early pregnancy assessment clinic. The gynae did an ultrasound and also checked my cervix. Baby was all okay but I had an infection. Was given antibiotics for a week and the discharge went off after that.

Oh actually when I first noticed the spotting, I called KKH specialist clinics hotline immediately to ask if they can check with my gynae whether to go to urgent O&G. They said if it’s just one-off then dont need. But if the spotting continues, then just come to urgent O&G. So as I said, I didn’t want to risk it cause I still had spotting, the next time I peed.

Hi ladies.. i went to KKH and found out it was ectopic pregnancy and was send for furgery within 1hr of findings. Today is my 4th day of post surgery. Thank you for all ur kind replies 😘😘😘

The foetus was growing in my right fallopian tube and i was bleeding kind of heavy by then. so had to remove my right fallopian tube. Now am depending on my left fallopian tube 😅

if you have concern quickly go to kkh o&g.. otherwise monitor the spotting and make sure it is not overflowing too much..

Got it sis.. am monitoring right now. now is 2nd day but only have like 1 small spot of dark brown when i juz checked earlier.

this color is normal i had it too

Thank you. i was shocked to see this!!

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