Exercising during pregnancy!
Did you exercise/go to the gym during your first trimester?

Hello, it depends how active you were before getting pregnant. It is not recommended to do sports where you are doing balancing (e.g. cycling) because your center of weight is changing throughout the trimesters. So it would easy for you to fall. If you do not have any medical condition, you can exercise at a maximum heart rate of 140. Please bear in mind that during the pregnancy you will put on 10-12 kg and you will need "muscles" to give birth also. So you need to exercise to prepare your back and abdominal muscles (but not with planks or sit-ups ahhh). If you feel you can easily pull your ligaments around the belly, do Kegels. Apart from the well-known benefits it help to strengthen your ligaments as well.
Read moreIt depends on how active you were pre pregnancy and if your pregnancy is considered low risk. I was active and I continued my exercises from first trimester till I delivered. I didn't go to the gym but mostly exercised at home or swam. I did play badminton but I stopped by second trimester. My gynae only usually told me that high impact activities are not recommended, e.g. Those that involves jumping. If you're familiar with gym activities or know someone who can guide you to.use the right form, it should be alright. I'd caution against starting a new sport / exercise. Also I strongly recommend listening to your body, take adequate breaks and hydrate well!
Read moreHi :) i’m having my 7th baby here 🙂. I guess if u’ve been active then its alright. Most importantly is to know your own body very well. I find tt the most simplest thing as kegel exercise helps. Balance being active and rest as much 💕.
Congrats, mummy!
Your pregnancy during the 1st trimester is very fragile. If you've always exercise or been to the gym before you got pregnant, yes you can but not the heavy lifting weights and not to overexert yourself. But still best to ask your gynae first.
The light ones are ok but not the heavy lifting ones. Very risky but I still think it's best to ask your gynae first so she can evaluate your health and tell you if it's ok or not. Normally can if you've always been an exercise person
I still exercise during my first trimester- walking on treadmill until 2nd trimester. Switch to swimming till now 35 weeks. Depend on how active you are before pregnant. Listen to your body, if you feel tired that day, take a break.
I walked a lot and hope that it is fine, but I do take short breaks and sit down then I continue again.. cannot seem to walk as fast as I did before but I try my best to move around slowly
I walked alot. I think gym is fine, but better to check with your gynae what sort of exercises you can do. just make sure you dun lift too heavy weights, and no tummy exercises
I see! Thanks a lot :) I’ve stopped those HIIT cardio classes but occasionally still so strength static exercises!
I continued my intense workout regime during my first pregnancy and it ended up in a miscarriage at 7 weeks so I would strongly discourage intense workout such as hiit.
As long as you do not have any pregnancy complications you can do cardio until about 20-24 weeks.
yes, swimming as it is all stage preg friendly :) I only attend p. n yoga after 13 weeks