Do you make the effort to decorate your child's food every day to make it more appealing?
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Once in a while
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No. It teaches them to be entitled. I just remind them how lucky they are to have food every now and then. None of my three kids are fussy eaters. And they never waste food even if it's something they dont like. I must be doing something right
I try my best Everyday, in the smallest way possible. Effort counts a lot, creativity to help encourage kids to eat :)
I use the 'old airplane is coming in to land method'
Yeah once in while is ok based on my mood also hehe
once in a while, like a special treat for them
Presentation is important for kids and adults
When I have the time and energy to do so
On weekends when there is special menu
She's quite easy going so nope
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She is too young to appreciate