7 Replies


there's about 40 weeks so 12 weeks considered 1st trimester... pregnancy symptoms varies greatly with each pregnancy not only with each mommy to be... some have it terrible with every preg... some have it easy with every preg... some have it terrible for some preg but easy for some preg... hope things improve for u really soon 🙏

Week 12 - 1st trimester. Week 13 ~ 26 - 2nd trimester. Just to share, MS is different for everyone. You can have MS from the start till before you give birth, while some don’t have MS at all. So, even thou second trimester is said to be the honeymoon period, it still varies. Hope it turns out well for you 😊!

I echo the other answers here - morning sickness does vary quite a bit, between moms and even same mom different pregnancy. With my first it was more severe but was done by 13 weeks. With my second it was more mild but lasted almost until the 3rd trimester - maybe 21 weeks?

Same, I’m 11week pregnant now. but my headache is the one that is killing me, on top of the nausea that I have (I vomit usually after every meal) . I’m so looking forward for 2nd Trimester (hope headache & fatigue & nausea) stops.

13th week is the start of 2nd tri. I’m on my 11th week now, I also had a horrible 1st trim experience. The hardest is from 6th wk-10th wk. Now, is a bit manageable. Hopefully MS will be over soon. 🙏🏻

My friend she had MS all the way till she give birth. For me my MS only ended like at w16. But even so, some food if the bbay does not like i will 🤮 too.

as during my first few weeks when I smell guys body odor when they walk pass me I will feel like vomiting because it is too smelly

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