5 Replies

Oh! I delivered my girl last year, emergency c-sect and I would like to opt for a natural birth as much as possible for the 2nd child. According to my gynae, she advised that in this situation, 1. No induction 2. Labour cannot exceed 6 hours and the possibility of it ending up as a c-sect again is pretty high. I'm not sure if this advice was pertaining to me or its general for all. Perhaps you could clarify and discuss the risks and possibilities with your gynae!

I had natural delivery last year in kkh. Labour lasted for 9 hours, baby head faced down, cervix opened 3cm (coz i walked alot due to my work) but no contraction during my pregnancy journey. I heard that to avoid emergency c-sec, mummies try to walk more and don't drink too much pregnancy milk(calcium) so the baby head will not grow too big in the womb. During labour, they can see my baby hair down there already😂

VIP Member

Sorry no experience in this, but happy to hear that your gynae is pro vbac as not many gynae out there is. All the best mummy! 😊

Dont worry mummy ,trust them n yourself,I just give birth from there,all the best

I would follow advice from gynae

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