Covid vaccine
Dear mummies who are pregnant or breastfeeding, wanna check how many of you already took the vaccine? I am quite worried and my doctor said it is my decision. Not much research done. Hope to hear as much opinion from all of you:) thank you

A number of my breastfeeding friends have been vaccinated. I have registered recently too. Read the following: With large populations, including breastfeeding women, being vaccinated globally, there is now evidence to support this recommendation. It has been shown that the breastfeeding women produce high levels of specific anti-virus antibodies in response to the vaccine. These antibodies are detected in breast milk and give passive immunity to the breastfed infant.
Read moreI’m also rather worried as my doc also left ultimate decision to me. At the same time, I am worried too about the ongoing new strain and pandemic. I can stay home more but i also have to run errands to prepare for baby arrival, so I will need to head out more at some point. I’m coming to 16 weeks and looking to book my vaccine slot.
Read moremy gynae seemed apprehensive when i asked her about the vaccine as well. she said there's not enough research done to ascertain effects on the babies. so it's really up to our risk tolerance. need to weigh what we think the risk of us catching the virus is vs the risk of unknown effects on baby.
my gynae advised me to take and im booking my 1st vaccine at 15 weeks! my personal feeling is better to be vaccinated especially when the Delta strain is still going around
I am 15 weeks pregnant. I took my first vaccine last week. had left hand pain for two days. it's quite common.
currently breastfeeding. My dr advised me to go for the vaccine.