7 Replies

I was like you, bloated (no matter how I controlled my diet) and constipated throughout the whole pregnancy. Gynae gave me medication for the constipation but it wasn’t really helpful. The one time that I had the best 💩 was before the c section, when I was given enema. Such big relief!

I didn’t have constipation in fact I’ve been really regular my entire pregnancy, but I was also really bloated and looked huge in my first trimester, what helped me was eating smaller but more frequent meals and eating fruits daily

besides eating fibre, it is important to strengthen your core strength, which will help you to poo and also help you through pregnancy. I went to a natal trained PT who helped me with my core during 1st tri (avoid sit ups).


hope this can help you https://sg.theasianparent.com/pregnancy-bloating

Try physillum husk! It really works well for me. Good luck for us 💙

drink yakult or vitagen. it helps

I took probiotics from my Dr.

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